
Hi, thank you for taking time to view my blog. News, images and general information about me and my work will be posted here.

Wednesday, 30 June 2010

Surfing New Quay

Spent a few days shooting and surfing down on Fistral Beach. More images will appear in the general gallery and be available to buy as prints. Thanks to the guys out there for giving me some great shots despite the surf being relatively small. Standing in the swash were it occasionally got knee deep does cause a few nervy moments and the camera to be held aloft. The beach really isn't friendly to that sort of equipment if you're not careful!! Hope to get down there again soon and fingers crossed for bigger waves and just as much sunshine to top up my wet suit tan... hands, feet and face.... that's it!

Emma & Alex Davies

Emma & Alex's online album now available in the client area. Please contact the couple for log in details. I will not provide them. Prints available for purchase, any questions please contact me.



Tuesday, 8 June 2010

Sally & Grant Stuffins - Online album

Sally & Grant's online album is now available to view. Please contact the couple for log in details. Albums are located in the Client Area.

Thank you


Tuesday, 1 June 2010

Natalie & Mat - online album

I have now made Natalie & Mat's online album active.

Please contact the couple for log in details. I will not provide them as it's for family and friends of the couple only.


Bank holiday weddings - and the weather!!!

Congratulations to:

Hannah & Richard who were married at The West Tower on Friday and got the sun.
Emma & Alex who were married at Meol's Hall on saturday and had rain all day except maybe a 15 minute window at about half 7 at night.

Total contrast in the days weather wise but the rain never became a problem for the couple and I worried about it instead of them.

Have a great honeymoon and see you all when you get back for the viewing!

Wednesday, 28 April 2010

Natalie & Mat Frow

Congratulations to Natalie & Mat on their wedding on the 24th.

Perfect weather and an Epic day!!!! Wonderful Hindu ceremony at The Hard Days Night in Liverpool and then onto the Sefton Palm House for a Civil Ceremony and the party.

Everyone looked amazing and the outfits and colours just fantastic. The pictures are looking great (even if I do say so myself.. : )..... and it's going to be hard to edit.

I want Mat's cufflinks!!!


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Check on updates, what I'm doing and for general news about my photography with samples of images.
